
Designer in Practice,
Critical Thinker &
Problem Solver in Reality.


I like big ideas.

As a punk kid, those ideas manifested themselves in overly ambitious plans for books, stick figure animations, songs, comics, and countless doodles scrawled across my student handbooks.


Now I put that sh*t to use.

With a background in strategic communication and a passion for digital experiences, I give brands a unique voice and solve business problems while meeting user and customer needs.

Meet the bonus skills.

After college, I landed a job managing a creative team at a small ad agency. Having to wear many hats, I gained experience in art direction, graphic design, web design, copywriting, and even some project and account management. This foundation set me up with a breadth of experience to pull from as I narrowed my focus as an Art Director and shifted toward UX design.

And now, for my next trick…

Leveraging a successful career in advertising, I create messaging and experiences that meet user needs and exceed client expectations and goals. My teammates and clients know me for my dedication, active listening, and willingness to find solutions in the face of challenges.

Besides continually growing my own skills, I strive to build my peers up and foster creative workplaces where we can be, in the words of Todd Henry, prolific, brilliant, and healthy.

Let’s Chat

Whatever it’s about—you have a business challenge, need a website, logo, want something illustrated, or simply want to talk about fun projects and meet another creative in the field—I’m all ears.