Fake Pills Awareness Campaign

Making the complex clear and compelling.

More and more young people are dying of unexpected drug overdose, often from fentanyl-laced fake pills.

Cheap and extremely potent, fentanyl is a drug cartel’s best friend. It can be combined with fillers and pressed into what looks like prescription pills for a fraction of the price. This has led to a flooded market full of phoney pills that can easily kill.

So, how do you tell teens the XANAX they think they’re buying might actually be a deadly fake pill without sounding like a concerned mother? You speak to them honestly in a way that grabs their attention.

I created eye-catching graphics and animations that asked the casual drug user a simple question—“Are your pills legit?” The follow-up is meant to create uncertainty and a desire to learn more—“Your dealer doesn’t know.”

Ad Concepts
Ad Design
Landing Page Design
Social Graphics

User Flow

Digital ads led to a landing page on KnowTheDangers.com with more informative content, including information on the lifesaving drug naloxone, where to find it, and how to use it.

Social Content

I made eye-catching illustrations and graphics that iterated on the style and tone of the ad campaign to be shared on social media platforms.


To create awareness out “in the wild,” I designed shareable stickers and posters depicting the campaign message.


Terra's Story


Grand Ely Lodge